Family Constellations in Frankfurt

Systemic Constellation Seminars

Systemic Constellations, Family Constellations, Seminars

The constellation methodology allows you to uncover and resolve unconscious behavioural patterns and dynamics within family, line of ancestors or dynamics within the individual. On this basis, it is possible to process unresolved emotions and change communication patterns.

Objectives of the Systemic Constellation Approach

The aim of the constellation methodology is a fresh look at an issue by looking at larger systems contexts. Possible Topics include:

  • Communication patterns: Dynamic of an interaction with another person
  • Current family: The individual in its current family / partnership
  • Family of origin: The individual in the family in relation to parents / grandparents / ancestors
  • Internal conflicts / parts conflicts – on the one hand on the other hand

Process of family and system constellations

As a client you define a topic and this is the subject of the constellation. The topic/situation is then recreated with the help of representatives. It takes place in a confidential individual setting with figures or in a seminar with the help of “living” representatives. The representatives take their positions in space and express their relationships to each other.

New Perspectives – New Insights

By looking at the setup (position and reaction of the representatives) and further exploration, a relevant dynamic of the system is revealed.

  • By observing interactions between representatives, you can identify patterns and dynamics that contributed to the emergence of conflict or other issues.
  • From this you gain a clear view of the dynamics – the processing of emotions becomes possible and the dynamics change.

Interestingly, additional important connections can often come to light as a result. This shows how problems are caused by the relationships between the individual elements in the system (systemic entanglements).

New Perspectives and Emotional Touch

The constellation gives you a new perspective on your relationships and problems. Through this new view, binding forces can be released. In addition, a constellation often has a direct effect on the emotional level. You can finally let go of old emotions.

As a result, a really new self-understanding can also develop in us on the rational level. You can become a (co-)creator of your world and your relationships again.

Fresh Solutions with Heart and Mind

New insights and changed emotional experiences are the key to fresh and often surprising solutions that can initiate a profound reorientation.

On this basis, we work with you to develop an individual solution for your topic. These solutions often have a special clarity and aim to change essential system dynamics. This enables you to achieve your goals.

In this way you gain new power and freedom to deal with the respective situation differently and to change your life in concrete terms.

Family and System Constellations – Our Offer

You as a client and your individual concerns are our focus: We carefully choose the right method for every concern. We proceed in an appreciative and mindful manner. We pay careful attention to what is the right next step for you to advance your topic.

We offer open seminars for system constellations and family constellations. In individual setting we offer constellations with game pieces.

Family constellations – FAQ – Typical questions

Like other coaching, therapy and counselling methods, family constellations require a solid training of the facilitator. When dealing with profound personal issues, they should be carried out as part of psychotherapy, e.g. by a licensed psychotherapist (psychologischer Psychotherapeut) or alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie).

Family constellations were scientifically examined in randomized control studies at the University of Heidelberg. Both short-term and medium-term positive effects are documented:

Family or system constellations are suitable for a wide variety of topics

Being trained at European Business School (Certificate in Systemic Coaching), I attended further trainings in systemic constellation work by Klaus Grochowiak, Eva Reuter and Detlef Hempel.

My constellation work is a further development of classic family constellations and draws on the findings of systemic therapy and counseling and the systemic structural constellations of Matthias Varga v. Kibéd.

In the trauma-oriented work with internal parts, I also apply the insights of Richard Schwatz, PhD (founder of Internal Family Systems®).

I particular take care of applying the methods mindfully and trauma-informed.