How do constellations work?

Family Constellation – Process and Facilitation

Constellations in Seminar and Individual Coaching Format

Family Constellations - Overcome emotional roadblocks, transform relationships


Family constellations are carried out either in a seminar format (i.e. in a group) or in confidential individual coaching. Both types of implementation enable rational and emotional clarifications, new solutions and fresh perspectives.

The approach to personal family constellation therefore depends above all on the wishes of the client and his / her specific topics. These topics are discussed in the preliminary talk. The situation is then set up either with figures on the systems board (individual coaching) or with real representatives (seminar format).

Step 1

Preliminary Discussion​

  • Set out your target
  • Give background info
Step 2

Pick the right format

  • Individual session or constellation seminar
  • Additionally other therapeutic / coaching methods
Step 3

Coaching / Constellation

  • Experience the power of constellations
  • New discoveries
  • Process emotions
Step 4

Transfer to specific topics

  • Make new decisions and take action!

Step 1: Preliminary discussion with the coach or facilitator / questionnaire

In the pre-discussion, the client first clarifies his topic and goal together with the coach / facilitator. In preparation, the client often also receives a questionnaire, which takes up the background information in a structured way and helps to raise awareness of the system.

Furthermore, systemic backgrounds are reviewed that are related to the question or the topic. This means that the important family members and formative events in the personal and family history are queried. This can be the early death of family members, participation in war or fateful events such as serious illness or loss of property.

Step 2: Pick the right format

Client centered interventions – Combination of constellations with other methodes

Constellation formats can be combined. If individual coaching shows that certain aspects could be better solved in a group format (family constellation as part of a constellation seminar), this work can be prepared accordingly. Depending on your wishes, you can then take part in a constellation seminar at a later date. An individual family constellation is then carried out there with the help of the representatives.

It also makes sense to consider other counseling, coaching and therapy methods. Especially the reorientation after one’s own biographical trauma often requires other approaches (e.g. body-oriented procedures such as Somatic Experiencing or Bodynamic). Therefore, we represent a client-centered approach that applies the most promising method in each case.

Step 3: Experience and discover new insights

Family constellations in group format (constellation seminar)

In the constellation seminar, the other seminar participants are available as stand-ins for the actual “constellation”. This means that the seminar participants take on roles in the context of the constellation. The client selects representatives for himself and for the other important people and relates them to one another in their respective roles (father, mother, grandmother, etc.).

Then something very interesting happens. The stand-ins empathize with the roles and, using a mixture of client information, common sense, empathy, and spatial location, arrive at perceptions that often match the problem described remarkably well. The constellation facilitator supports the perception of the representatives and enables the verbal expression of the perceived feelings and relationship qualities. The client can observe the dynamics between the people and process previously hidden information.

The solution often lies in restoring a disrupted order or giving appropriate recognition to excluded people and events. This is supported by solution sentences and rearranging the physical relationship of the family members (stand-ins). Finally, the client himself takes his own good place in the constellation and thus perceives and processes the situation from the first-person perspective.

Family constellations in confidential individual coaching

A family constellation is also possible in individual coaching or therapy:  In personal coaching it is often possible to work more precisely in relation to personal backgrounds and problems. There is more time available for complex issues and it is often easier to address confidential matters in private. The analysis of the family system is often supported in the individual setting by the use of figures (game pieces). In particular, complex family systems and lines of ancestors can be excellently represented by figures.

Constellation with imagination, figures and ground anchors

The actual constellation work can then either be done with figures (game pieces) as a figure constellation, or in the imagination (imagination work).

To make the idea easier, placeholders (e.g. chairs or ground anchors) are sometimes used. The client can thus take the position of the other person and also empathize with their perception. As a result, surprising insights into the perspectives of other people are often possible and there are new indications of the causes of the problem. This opens up new perspectives and new solutions.

Due to the different approaches, highly effective work in individual coaching is possible.

Step 4 – Transfer to specific topic – Implement new decisions

As the family constellation progresses, the client gradually gains a new view of the situation and often also a new emotional experience. And these new emotions enable new thinking and feeling and better options for action with regard to solving the issue.

During the final stages of the constellation the insights of the constellation will be applied to the specific topics. This enables the client to make new decisions and take action to change his / her life and solve issues.