Personality Test: Character Structures and Primary Resources

The following short and fun Personality Test is based on the character structure model of Bodynamic®. It takes a day to day situation and assesses which resources and competences from different character structure positions may apply.

Primary resources are resources, which are preferentially used and which have been habituated in our body – i.e. patterns of muscle tension and relaxation.  These body holding positions are coded during key developmental phases – often in the first 12 years of our life – and are rearranged during teenage years.  These resources shape our patterns of behaviour, thought and emotion.  As such they play even into small day to day decisions which affect our life.  Primary resources sometimes tend to be overused – in which case we may experience less than optimal outcomes.

The test provides information about which primary resources you prefer in a particular context and what opportunities and risks might lie in this preference behaviour.

We look at in a situation where you are late to a meeting or did not come at all. Accordingly, the results are only applicable to the situations they think of during the test. The test is not a comprehensive personality analysis.

In an actual coaching or therapy session, we would take specific situations, which cause problems in your life and put them under a microscope.  We can analyse internal patterns (“first happens this, then happens that… then I do this… “) and find out what exactly do not work so well for you. We will be able to take into account how you hold your body and which muscles you can use to support dealing with your emotions.  And we can devise an individual plan for developing additional resources to give you more flexibility. 

This test is not a diagnosis or treatment of any kind!  If you have any doubt about your psychological condition you should consult a licensed psychotherapist or medical doctor.

Which Primary Resources do you use?

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Takes about 3 Minutes

Personality Test - Bodynamic Character Structure - Primary Resources